Any Distance is privacy driven. We have made the intentional decision to store as little data as we can.
We respect your privacy at every step of the way and will not compromise that for the sake of monetizing the app. We want to build a great relationship with the community and provide a great experience.
In the future, we will offer in app purchases to support Any Distance – no ads, no nonsense.
Any Distance is built on these principles:
- Your data is yours, not ours.
Delete everything whenever you want.
- We will never sell your personal or activity data.
Data collection or sale is not our business.
- We will never track you around the internet or your phone.
You won't be seeing ads for Any Distance on your favorite news site.
- We will never store your activities data from connected services.
There is a small cache of data saved on your device to keep the app fast. That data never leaves your device and is not stored on our servers. Simply deleting the app will delete that data.
- We will never store location information about your activities or phone.
We won't ask and we don't want to know. Activity locations are read from your connected services and are not stored.
- We will never allow 3rd party services to access personally identifiable information (PII).
For example, we currently use for analytics about how the app is being used (button taps, etc), but that data is completely anonymous.
- We will always be honest and upfront about changes in what data we store, we will provide clear answers for why we need it.
We will always send emails or push notifications about upcoming changes.
- We will always ask your permission when accessing services Any Distance requires on your phone.
Allow or deny as you like at any time.
- We will not be a terrible company that treats you like trash.
We store the following data about you in a database that is provided by CloudKit from Apple.
This database is one of the most secure options in the world and is trusted by millions of companies.
- First and last name
- Email address, real or fake depending on what you choose to provide while signing in with Apple.
- Start and end dates for any goal you set
- Activity type for that goal
- Goal unit of measurement, Kilometers or Miles
- Goal distance
- Secure tokens to access Strava data if you choose to connect it
- Achievements earned
- Data of achievement earned
- That's it!
In addition, we also aggregate an anonymous tally of distance synced each day to help understand how Any Distance is growing. No activity or personal data can be linked to this number.
We would love to hear from you about this commitment and happy to answer any questions by emailing
Thank you for reading.